61-day iExperiment v1.1 Evaluation AMI (ami-4f5c070a)

The 61-day iExperiment v1.1 Evaluation Amazon Machine Image (ami-4f5c070a) is a fully functional deployment of Colabrativ’s enterprise electronic notebook, iExperiment, version 1.1 with 1 GiB Elastic Block Store for database and user data. The iExperiment AMI allows you to easily create an iExperiment server on Amazon Web Services that you control.

There is no license fee for the evaluation. After the 61-day evaluation period has expired, the application will continue to operate, but will no longer accept new information.

About this AMI

Published By: Colabrativ, Inc.
An Experiment Documentation and Electronic Notebook Provider
Version: 1.1
Made Public On: April 18, 2012
Built From: 61-day iExperiment v1.0 Evaluation AMI (ami-2d7e2768), which was built on the Basic 32-bit Amazon Linux AMI 2011.09 (ami-11d68a54). The Release Notes for the Basic 32-bit Amazon Linux AMI 2011.09 can be found at http://aws.amazon.com/amazon-linux-ami/latest-release-notes/.
  • Apache HTTP Server (service httpd) version 2.2.21
  • Tomcat version
  • MySQL (service mysqld) version 5.1.52
Record Experiment record documentation application.
Admin Administrative application used to add researchers, create groups and control reading, viewing and downloading permissions.
Reset Password Reset password application.
Tutorial: A three-part tutorial is available at http://www.colabrativ.com/free-61-day-trial-of-iexperiment-enterprise-electronic-notebook/ to guide you through the creation of an EC2 instance of this AMI, configuration of iExperiment, and adding your first researcher.
Contact Us: http://www.colabrativ.com/contact-colabrativ-inc/
Changes from Version 1.0:
  • The options for viewing records under the Select tab have been changed. There are now four “List of Records I can” options: read, edit, delete and download.
  • Copy Record, Download Record Archive and Download PDF Archive buttons have been added to the tops of records.
  • Sponsoring Institution options have been added to the experiment properties file. The options are:
    • admin: Where the sponsored institution will be the primary administrator (institution key = 1).
    • author: Where the institution of the author’s active research period will be used.
    • key=: The sponsoring institution key will be identified by its database key; Example key=23

    In this AMI the sponsoring institution option is “admin”.

  • Bug Fix: The material Oracle was failing to add materials that lacked a lot or serial number.
  • Bug Fix: Sections containing no text, such as a Summary section with only the material produced, were not being displayed from a record archive in a web browser, despite being contained in the record archive.
  • Experiments are presented in an easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate research record format.
  • Experiment records in iExperiment are structured. The minimum record contains only Methods and Results sections. Complex records can be created with multiple parts, each with its own Purpose, Plan, Materials, Methods, Results and Conclusions sections.
  • The Materials section holds information on Samples, Reagents, Equipment, and Consumables. Material and supplier information are shared between records and researchers.
  • Figures and attachments can be added to any section in a record, except to a Purpose section.
  • Attachments can be downloaded from a record.
  • Files dropped on a record are examined by the application and handled appropriately.
    • Image files are incorporated into figures and displayed in the record.
    • XML files in iExperiment’s schema can be used to insert materials and sections.
    • Comma Separated Values (CSV) files in iExperiment’s Sample Set format create lists and tables.
    • All other file formats are added as attachments.

    The information in a dropped file is normally placed below the section that the file was dropped on.

  • Completed records can be downloaded as PDF files or as record archives that contain a record as an XML file bundled with all of the images and attachment files.
  • In the administrative application researchers can be added, groups created and permissions assigned.
  • Shared experimental information result in better project management and team involvement.
  • Electronic notebooks (ELN) have rapid returns on investment.
  • Increased Research and Development efficiency:
    • Better information organization
    • Faster information retrieval
    • Removal of time-consuming instrument-to-paper conversion
    • Captured information is shared and available to introduce into new experiments, without having to be re-entered.
  • Flexible web-deployment allows access to experiments from virtually anywhere.
  • Detailed permission controls allow you to control who sees what and when, enabling your collaborators to enter their experiments directly, or your customers to view only the work you perform for them.
  • Collaborations between multiple institutions are possible.

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