This is the third part of a three part video tutorial describing the setup of a free trial version of iExperiment, our enterprise electronic notebook, on Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this tutorial, the following topics will be demonstrated:
- Adding a researcher to iExperiment in the administrative application
- Associating a researcher with a Permissions group
- Looking at the Permissions group interface
A transcript of the video can be found below.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us.
Tutorial Transcript: Adding Researchers to iExperiment Enterprise Electronic Notebook
Hi, and welcome to the third part of the tutorial on setting up Colabrativ’s iExperiment using the public iExperiment Amazon Web Services machine instance.
In the first two parts of this tutorial, we created and launched an Amazon Web Services instance of iExperiment, started the server’s services, added institution and administrator information, and agreed to the software evaluation agreement.
For this demonstration, we will use Mozilla’s Firefox 6.0 browser on a computer running Windows 7.
We will start where we left off in the last video tutorial. In that tutorial, we were logged into the Administrative application and had just changed our password in the “My Account” tab.
To add a Researcher, we select the Researchers tab, and click on the “Add Researcher” radio button.
We fill in the researcher’s name and email address.
We then associate them with an “Administrative Group”. Here we have only a single option, but other administrative groups can be created and managed by different administrators in iExperiment.
The institution information has already been added, so we only need to add the researcher’s Department and Id.
You will note that the researcher’s Starting Date has been filled in by the application with the current date, or, in this example, with the date on which this video was produced.
Access to the iExperiment application is controlled by the Starting and Ending Date for each researcher. An empty End Date is used to represent that the researcher is still working for the institution and should still be allowed to access the application. If a researcher is tries to access the application after the End Date, then permission is denied.
After completing the researcher’s information, click on the “Add Researcher” button.
The application will inform us that “Registration was successful”.
The researcher will be sent an email informing them of how to create a password in their iExperiment account. Once they do so, they will be redirected to the iExperiment Record application.
If we make a mistake, we can always edit the researcher’s information by clicking on the “Edit Researcher” radio button, and begin to type the Researcher’s Name. The application will find all of the researchers with names that match the name you have begun to type.
Select the researcher whose information you would like to edit, and the application will pull up their information.
Edit the information, and then click “Update Research Position” button.
After adding a researcher, we need to add them to a permission group. Select the Group Tab, then select a group you would like to add this researcher to, from the list under “Permission Groups”. The “Permission Group” determines what records they can view and the permission of any record they produce. At this time, we only have one group to choose from, “Example Corporation”. After selecting the “Permission Group” its Administrator and Members will be displayed.
At the bottom of the “Example Corporation” Group Members section there is a long box with a green plus button at the end of the line. In this box, begin typing the Researcher’s Name. The application will find all of the researchers whose name match the name you have begun to type.
Select the researcher, “Tes Turing”, whom we would like to add to the “Example Corporation” permission group and the application will put them in the “Add” box.
Finally, click on the green “add” button.
If you click on the Permission Rules tab, you can see and change the permission rules for each Permission Group.
This concludes this tutorial on setting up a researcher in iExperiment.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at