In the video tutorial below we demonstration how to add and delete sections, text, figures, and attachments to a record our enterprise electronic notebook, iExperiment’s.
Sections are added from the navigation tree, and are removed by click on the red delete button in the section’s header.
Text can be added to any section by opening one of the sections “add content” panels and clicking on the “Add Text” button. The text editor has a standard set of text editing functions including: bold, italics, underline, subscript, superscript, and lists, along with the ability to insert pictures, and media links. Text sections, like other subsections, have a hidden delete buttons, which are displayed when your mouse is over a section.
Attachment and Figures are also added from a section’s “add content” panel. Both the title and the caption can be edited in figure and attachments. Most scientific images are too large to display in iExperment’s figure box, so they are scaled to fit in the record section.
At the end of the video we demonstrate how to change a record’s “state” from “planned” to “in progress”.
Please contact Colabrativ, Inc. for further information or a live demonstration of iExperiment’s research documentation capabilities.